Hallo this is Harish, here in Germany we can find jobs easily especially for mechanical students. If we learn german.we can get part time jobs easilty, there is no need to pay college fee , only 5 days are working days and weekdays are holidays for every person.
Everything is closed on Sunday we don't find even single shop on Sunday.
"Here bear is cheap cheaper cheapest than water."
For Indians, we can find our markets easily but some what cost when compared to India
Imp Note: if we want meet a person here we need take appointment. Everything goes here with appointment. With out appointment you can't meet them directly even if you want to meet your House owner.
Note: Process who come form India
1.city registration
2.open bank account
3Taking sim card and
4.health insurance
All these goes by an appointment
Note: it's better to learn german language before coming to Germany
We must follow traffic signals while walking and driving. German is a county where we can't find any traffic.
And finally Germany is a beautiful country you can enjoy everytime. There is no restrictions and rules for enjoyment and we can learn something from here while returning to our home.